Lesley Gold
Oct 18, 2017
#MeToo and the Perils of the Bystander Effect
The speed at which #Metoo spread across my Facebook page and Twitter stream came as no surprise to me.

Lesley Gold
Oct 3, 2017
Las Vegas: When a Story Speaks for Itself
After a tragedy like what happened in Las Vegas, so much gets said and at the same time so little of what needs to get said actually does.

Lesley Gold
Sep 25, 2017
Colin Kaepernick and Getting Sidelined for Being “The First”
In the Bay Area, we talk about being pioneers, disrupters, and risk-takers. But, there is no established path or playbook for pioneers.

Lesley Gold
Sep 13, 2017
Fearless Vulnerability: Stephen King’s Lessons in Storytelling
The first time I ever saw a clown, he made me cry.

Lesley Gold
Aug 10, 2017
Is Open Dialogue the Solution to the Culture Wars of Silicon Valley?
As I write this, I’m on my way to visit my daughter at summer camp on the other side of the country.

Aug 2, 2017
When Creativity Goes Viral: Q& A with The Hard Times Founder Matt Saincome
Matt Saincome is the former editor of SF Weekly and punk rock veteran who was looking to start a satire website.